5th International Convergence Congress
The Psychoanalytical Act And Its Incidences: Clinical, Political And Social.
June 22, 23 and 24, 2012
Centro de Eventos Plaza São Rafael – Porto Alegre – Brasil
Psychoanalysis is a discursive practice whose effects have been observed in clinical practice and also in daily life for over a century. Its innovative, even subversive positions have always been the subject of discussion inside and outside the psychoanalytic institutions. The incidences of working with the unconscious show that listening to the symptom is possible, considering that this is the sign of the subject, not a manifestation of the disease. Now, in these times, when immediate jouissance is required, and fundamentalist discourses are heard, in a situation of inevitable discontent in culture, a treatment that will not offer a miracle cure or permanent consolation is an ethical reference that the acts of the word are transforming.
The associations and psychoanalysts gathered in Convergencia – Lacanian Movement for Freudian Analysis – consider that the articulations between the subject and his polis are indissociable, because psychoanalysts are pervious to discourses and, for the practice and theory of psychoanalysis to advance, it is necessary to perform a continuous examination of the consequence of their acts.
At the Fifth International Congress of Convergence to be held in Porto Alegre, we will have the opportunity to renew this vow. It will be a moment of meetings and debate about the effects of the psychoanalytic act on the clinical practice of neuroses, psychoses and perversions. An event where the psychoanalysts may report on how their act is sustained in many different spheres – doctor’s offices, outpatient clinics, hospitals and others whose meeting place is an opportunity to share the experience. Moreover, we have space to verify the effects of the act on the social sphere, the experience of the encounter between psychoanalytic discourse and public policies, whether they are educational, cultural, or concern public health.
A signifier launched into the world is no longer individual, said Jacques Lacan, on several occasions, in his return to Freud’s legacy. Each analyst is responsible to psychoanalysis when he sustains his listening to the unfolding of nowadays fantasy. At the same time, questioning the policy of bonds in the psychoanalytic field is part of his training. Moreover, the transmission of the psychoanalytic discourse is open to the incidences of the creative act, echoing the discourse power while hollowing the real.
We invite you to participate in this event, in which psychoanalysts from different languages, with different types of training and transferences are open to dialogue and to renew the inaugural act that causes us to sustain what psychoanalysis is.